Projects and references
Well-known companies rely on DUK products for a wide range of applications and fields of use.
Companies that rely on products from DUK...
- Siemens
- Vattenfall
- K+S Kali und Salz
- Industrial Coding Solutions Ltd (Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar)
- Takraf Kanada
- Productive Enterprise Ltd. (Thailand)
- Koch Solutions
- Actemium
- Nitrox Ltda. (Chile)
- AustDac
- Kennecott Utah Copper
- Thyssenkrupp
- Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke SWS
- VoestAlpine (i.a. Corpus Christie)
- Beumer Group
- Herrenknecht

Some projects and areas of use and application are...
- Biomass cogeneration plants (UK)
- Dam Tajikistan (world's highest dam)
- Nangbeto dam Togo
- Port facilities (cranes, lock gates)
- Hydroelectric power plants along the river Inn
- Lake Edersee power plant
- Shiplift Niederfinow
- Erasmus Bridge Rotterdam
- Kattwyck bridges Hamburg
- Flood barriers (e.g. Elbe, Weser,Ems, Leda)
- Lock gates (e.g. Wesel Datteln Canal, Danube)
- Phosphate mining Morocco
- Copper Mining (i.a. Bingham Canyon Mine)
- Composting facilities